March 2005

Preserve open space
Davie, Florida

Minutes-March 2005

March 1, 2005

Meeting called to order by Permanent Board Chairman Linda Greck at noon at Town of Davie Community Room.

Approval of minutes for February 22, 2005, tabled until March 7, 2005 meeting.

Treasurer’s report – Permanent Board Treasurer Fred Segal obtained necessary forms from Wachovia to transfer account from business to non-profit and to change the signatures required on the account.

Old Business:

  • 1. A recap of the Orange Blossom Festival booth and event revealed a preliminary income of $338.76 pending amounts clarified of the donation from Gro-Mor Orchids regarding the sale of orchids. It was decided that the posters that were displayed in the booth would be attached temporarily to plastic corrugated boards for ease of handling.
  • 2. An attempt would be made to obtain hand-outs and materials from the Gainesville seminar regarding land trusts that was held Feb 26. No one was able to attend personally.

New Business:

  • 1. It was decided that representatives of DALT would remain in communication with the Sigars family and make personal visits. If the family approves, a virtual tour of the property would be done.
  • 2.New attendees were introduced and encouraged to offer their time and services.
  • 3.Fred Segal announced that a possibility of a donation of a time share unit that could be sold by DALT was in process.
  • 4.Discussion was held regarding presentations being made to various civic groups by DALT members and a power point to be developed.

Unfinished Business:

  • 1.The draft of a letter to be sent to proposed Honorary Members of the Board was postponed to the March 7 and March 8 meetings.
  • 2.The logo from the Ft. Lauderdale Art Institute will be presented at the March 8 meeting.
  • 3.The compilation of membership materials was postponed until the March 7 meeting.

Meeting Adjourned: 1:15 p.m.

March 8, 2005

Meeting called to order at 12:05 pm at Pioneer Room, Davie Town Hall.

Minutes Approved for February 22, March 1 and March 7, 2005

Treasurer’s Report postponed until Treasurer Segal back in town. Chairman Greck deposited $378.76 from Orange Blossom Festival. Nick Maniatis reported that $340.00 value of orchids were sold with profits of $134.50 to be donated to DALT. $30.00 was collected for the sale of t-shirts and $28.76 was donated in loose change in the water jar at the booth. A final tally of the money earned from the Festival will be reported March 29 by the treasurer. The bank records will show Chairman, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer as signors on the checking account with 2 signatures required for a check to be valid.

Old business:

  • 1.Draft of letter to honorary board was postponed to March 22 meeting.
  • 2.Draft of board election press release was postponed to March 22 meeting.
  • 3.Materials from Gainesville have not arrived and item postponed until they are available.
  • 4.Membership materials were discussed for distribution to members as they join, such as bumper stickers, a free t-shirt for $100 and up member, membership card laminated. A welcome letter will be drafted to be sent those already a member thanking them andacknowledging receipt of their donation. A quarterly newsletter will be published in the near future.
  • 5. Update on the 501c3 status was presented by Marcie Nolan. A change in the Articles of Incorporation is required before submission to the IRS. A copy of the by-laws was forwarded by the CPA filing the application and after required changes are made it will be brought before the DALT March 22 for review and adoption. Marcie Nolan was independently working on the draft of the by-laws and would present her version at the March 22 meeting. Once Amended Articles of Incorporation have been returned by Florida State and the by-laws have been adopted, the CPA will file the application for the 501c3 exemption with the IRS.
  • Motion made and approved to amend the Articles of Incorporation to include a statement that if the Davie Area Land Trust dissolves, all assets will go to another land trust. The decision of what which land trust will be voted on by the Board of Directions Directors at that time.
  • It was decided that the time for annual meetings will be the first Monday each November.
  • The paperwork and necessary fee to file the annual report for the Florida corporation will be sent with the Amended Articles of Incorporation to Tallahassee.

New business:

  • 1. A further review of the committee members resulted in these changes:
  • --Michele Bryson – PR Committee
  • --Doris Monier – chairman of PR committee
  • --Fred Segal – chairman of finance committee
  • --Nick Maniatis – chairman of membership committee
  • --Julie Aitken – chairman of projects committee
  • 2. Doris Monier accepted the role as project coordinator for the DALT to have a presence at Earth Day event in November.
  • 3. PR Committee is to report at March 22 meeting on community events for the next months that DALT can participate.
  • 4. The much anticipated presentations from the Ft. Lauderdale Art Institute were reviewed by the members present. All were very impressed with the level of thought and design that went into the work the students produced. After a difficult decision, each member short-listed their favorites to 3. Other members of the Board not present will have an opportunity to review and make their selections. A final decision based upon the members’ selections will be made by Chairman Greck to be sent back to the Art Institute. DALT will then work with the student selected to refine the designs.The members present all agreed to give a DALT t-shirt to each of the students in the class that participated in the design work.

Meeting adjourned 1:20 pm.

March 15, 2005 - Special Meeting

Special meeting called to order at 12:05 pm at Davie Community Room.


  • 1. Discussion was held regarding DALT by-laws. It was decided that the by-laws required an addition of the dissolution clause and the Articles of Incorporation would be reviewed at the next meeting to verify if they were suitable as recorded. A preliminary draft of the by-laws was submitted to the members present for their review and comments. Comments are to be emailed to Fred Segal prior to March 22 and he will present a final draft to the Board. Upon adoption of the by-laws, they will be forwarded to the CPA for his filing with the IRS.
  • 2. The probability is that DALT will not receive approval of the 501c3 status in time for an FCT grant application to be filed for this year’s deadline. Discussion was held that DALT request the TPL to apply for a Florida grant on DALT behalf and when the 501c3 status was obtained, if any transfer of paperwork was required, DALT would process that transfer. Judy Paul and Fred Segal will attempt to schedule a personal meeting with Kevin Mooney of TPL at end of March. Mike Orfanedes will request a conference via phone or attendance at a meeting in the near future by Amy Congdon of TPL.
  • 3. Remainder of members reviewed the logo artwork offered by the students at Ft. Lauderdale Art Institute. The final decision will be forwarded to the Institute prior to March 22 meeting.

Meeting Adjourned: 1:15 pm.

March 22, 2005

Meeting called to order by Chairman Greck at noon in the Town Hall Community Room.

I. Corrections and additions to March 8, 2005, minutes:

  • Old Business Item 5. sentence added – Marcie Nolan was independently working on the draft of the by-laws and would present her version at the March 22 meeting.
  • Motion made and approved – change what land trust to which land trust/ correct spelling of Directions to Directors
  • New Business Item 4. sentence added - The members present all agreed to give a DALT t-shirt to each of the students in the class that participated in the design work.
  • The minutes were approved with the additions and corrections.

Correction to March 15, 2005, minutes

  • Old business Item 2. Add an FCT grant
  • The minutes were approved as corrected.

II.Treasurer’s Report - postponed until Treasurer Segal has completed the setup of a computer program

III. Old Business

  • a. The draft of the DALT by-laws was discussed and input from members was noted. Fred Segal will prepare the final draft including the insertion of the dissolution clause. The final draft will be sent via email to the Board members prior to Tuesday, March 29, 2005. With no objections from those members receiving the final draft, Mr Segal will forward it to the CPA, Rob Lyons, for submission with the IRS application for the 501c3 status.
  • b. Draft of honorary board letter postponed until Tuesday, April 12, 2005.
  • c. Draft of press release postponed until Tuesday, April 12, 2005.
  • d. Chairman Greck reported that she and Michael Bartlett visited the Art Institute and announced the selection of the art work to the class. All the students in that class, the instructor and the Director of Communication were given DALT t-shirts. Cherrielet Pasia was the student selected and she will attend the Monday evening, April 4, 2005, meeting. Members will be able to suggest refinements or additions to be made to the design and discuss the materials to be produced. The DALT is most grateful to the Ft. Lauderdale Art Institute.
  • e. Chairman Greck and Mike Orfanedes advised that they had a conversation with Amy Congdon of TPL regarding the Sigars property. A request for TPL to apply for the FCT grant on behalf of DALT was made and Ms. Congdon advised she would have to ask for a decision from the main office. A request was also made for a copy of the agreement sent to the Sigars regarding their property.
  • f. Discussion regarding membership cards was postponed to a future meeting.

IV. New Business

  • a. Chairman Greck requested suggestions for items for Monday, April 4, agenda be emailed to her by members.
  • b. Gainesville materials item was postponed to a future meeting.


  • Attendee Karen Stencel-Nowicki presented her concerns regarding obtaining FPL easements for trails and the importance of addressing the parks and open space of Davie being preserved in perpetuity.
  • Member Michael Bartlett advised the email server being used by Earthplaza, our webhost, had been upgraded.
  • Secretary Steward advised that a new procedure had been implemented for the distribution of the minutes. The minutes will be sent via email to the Board of Directors and upon approval at a scheduled meeting will be posted on the website for the public.

Meeting adjourned 1:25 p.m.