Open Space and Scenic Vistas
Wetland mitigation in Davie provides open space, horticulture, and habitat, benefitting both wildlife and the community with tranquil vistas.
Your membership supports the The Davie Area Land Trustmission of conservation, education and preservation.
We are a membership organization with no employees, and no Board members receive any compensation. We appreciate your help, and we rely completely on volunteer work and voluntary contributions to sustain our Trust.
The Davie Area Land Trust, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Florida and is recognized by the U.S. government as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Wetland mitigation in Davie provides open space, horticulture, and habitat, benefitting both wildlife and the community with tranquil vistas.
This bridge joins Davie's Robbins Park to the trail system, allowing horseback riders, pedestrians, and bicyclists serene and safe paths between parks and neighborhoods.
The value of vista and habitat to the community multiplies in sites like the ridge on Nob Hill, forever protected, home to burrowing owls, and connected with Davie's trail system to Tree Tops Park and the trails around and through Pine Island Ridge.