July 2005

Preserve open space
Davie, Florida

Minutes-July 2005

July 11, 2005

Meeting Called to Order 7:30 p.m. at Robbins Lodge

Minutes approved for June 28, 2005 meeting.

Old Business:

  • The attendees reviewed the information provided by Ken Grudens from the Indian River Land Trust at the last DALT meeting.
  • The Booth at the July 4th event was discussed. Donations were collected in the glass jar and tee shirts were sold. Representatives from the Bond Political committee had a presence at the DALT booth.
  • Judy Paul suggested a sign-up sheet be made availalble at any future booth events. It was decided to further explore the possiblity of making a presentation at environmental group meetings.
  • It was decided representatives of DALT would attend the August 8 meeting of the Trail Riders with a presentation. The meeting is held at the New Hope Church on Griffin Road.
  • A regular meeting of DALT will be held at Town Hall on Tuesday, July 12. as scheduled.

New Business:

  • A letter was drafted and read by Chairman Linda Greck to respond to a resident of Trail Ridge. The letter will clarify that DALT is an independent organization seperate from town of Davie and has no connection with any plans for S W 26 Street installation or lack of.
  • Treasurer Fred Segal advised that an error in the application to IRS for DALT 501C3 was delaying the processing.
  • John Ladue was appointed to the membership committee.
  • Dr. Scott encouraged the board to develop a short term plan of action for DALT. Recommendation was made that it be readied and presented at the August 1 meeting.
  • Discussion was held regarding a redesign and reprint of our brochure.

Meeting adjourned 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Joyce Steward, Secretary

In Attendance: Dr. Samuel Scott, Mike Orfandes, John Ladue, Michael Bartlett, Mike Weitor, Joyce Steward, Linda Greck, Judy Paul, Eduardo Tkacz.

July 12, 2005

Meeting called to Order 12:20 at Community Room of Davie Town Hall.

Motion approved to appoint Dr. Scott to membership committee as chairman.

Recommendation that DALT members piggyback on Town of Davie workshop meetings throughout August to help support the bond referendum and solicit members for DALT.

Recommmendation that the membership committee become as a whole and all members are challenged to acquire 5 new members.

Fred Segal offered a donation of a gift basket from the Farm Bureau to whoever obtains the most members.

Michelle Johnson was appointed as point person for Labor Day event.

Attendees developed a short term roadmap plan with sub tasks, persons responsible, start and completion dates, DALT role and deliverables.

Meeting adjourned 1:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Joyce Steward, Secretary

In Attendance: Linda Greck, Michael Bartlett, Judy Paul, Joyce Steward, Fred Segal

July 26, 2005

Meeting called to order 12:15 p.m. at Community Room, Davie Town Hall

Minutes approved for July 11 and July 12, 2005

Treasurer’s Report received and filed. Current balance $2,360.69. Fred Segal advised that DALT does not receive copies of paid checks from Wachovia. Contact will be made to the bank to correct the situation.

Old Business:

  • 1. Fred Segal advised that further errors were noted on the 501C3 application prepared by Rob Lyons. Corrections will be made by Fred and forwarded to IRS. It was decided that a letter should be sent to CPA Rob Lyons expressing DALT dissatisfaction with his services and demand a refund of his fee. Linda Greck will prepare the letter.
  • 2. Dates were announced for the Town of Davie informational workshops regarding the Bond referendum and a schedule of DALT representatives to attend those meetings to give responses or input was developed.
  • August 1 and August 2 – Linda Greck
  • August 4 – Mike Orfanedes
  • August 8 and August 9 – Judy Paul
  • August 11 – Joyce Steward
  • A letter is available for any DALT member to send for solicitation of campaign donations for the bond referendum
  • 3. Three new members were announced. Attendees were reminded of the membership challenge until Labor Day and notice will be sent to all members.

Meeting adjourned 1:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Joyce Steward, Secretary

In Attendance: Linda Greck, Judy Paul, Fred Segal, Mike Orfanedes, Joyce Steward, Marcie Nolan
