December 2004

Preserve open space
Davie, Florida

Minutes-December 2004

December 6, 2004

Meeting called to order 7 pm at Robbins Lodge

Introduction of members and welcome to guests.

Update on status of Trust paperwork for 501c3. Status of by-laws will be reported at next meeting. Donations may be accepted now. For tax deduction, Judy Paul suggested that monies be paid after beginning of 2005 since that is the year exemption status should be finalized.

The list of suggested criteria that had been formulated by the committee at previous meetings was discussed in detail. There would be no limit to the size or location of dedicated easements, donations of land or acquisitions. Co-op gardens were discussed. Possible leasing of the trust’s lands to farm vegetables, exotic fruits, niche crops, i.e., viable and sustainable crops. Recreational lands would be for passive use only, higher consideration for public access. Purposes such as viewscapes, enjoying wildlife would be high consideration.

Mr. Hurley suggested researching the property appraiser’s information for Davie properties that are tax delinquent or tax sales and approaching FPL for possibly a partnership or acquiring lands under power lines as current leases expire or are cancelled.

A tentative criteria blueprint was adopted as follows:

Client/willing partner/seller

  • A. Location, no limits, connector, greenway, other open space nearby
  • B. Size, no limits, as little as o.5 acre R.O.W.

Types of Land


  • viable crop
  • life style
  • sustainable enterprise
  • more useful than just open space
  • old historic groves

Historical – Archeological

  • 7 islands of Sam Jones
  • AG
  • Old Davie
  • Indian Site

Environmental Quality

  • wildlife habitat
  • greenbelt
  • viewscape


  • passive use
  • adds to viewscape
  • enjoyment of wildlife
  • adds connectivity

The list of sub-committees was reviewed. Membership and finance were combined into one committee. The Projects committee was renamed the Projects and Development committee. Arthur and Susan Hurley were added to the projects and development committee. John Ladue and Michael Bartlett were added to the Public Relations committee and Nick Maniatis was moved to Public Relations. Fred Segal was added to the Finance and Membership committee.

Dr. Samuel Scott suggested that the Trust establish a strategic plan for long and short term goals and that it be done soon. Donors and potential board members would want to know.

A deadline of March 1 was tentatively set for sitting a permanent board and establishing an honorary board. By-laws must be completed prior to that date as well as job descriptions for the board members. The next meeting is 11:45 Dec 14 in Community Room.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45.

December 14, 2004

Meeting called to order 11:55 by Fred Segal. No officers present.

Minutes of December 6 approved.

Finance report tabled until January 3, 2005

Decisions regarding publicity for January 3 meeting included sandwich board being placed on Orange Drive at Hiatus Rd and at entrance to Robbins Lodge; flyer designed by Linda Greck to be placed on the website for all interested parties to read and download to distribute; information given to newspapers for a possible article in the Broward section and the “What’s happening” section; phone calls to those who have attended meetings previously and any other interested parties.

The speaker for January 3rd meeting will be asked to prepare a written handout based upon information he will be presenting.

NO MEETINGS FOR THE REMAINDER OF DECEMBER. With the holidays near, it was decided to not hold any formal meetings until January 3, 2005.

Fred Segal informed the group that we should all be aware and watchful of legislation being discussed by the U.S. Congress regarding income tax and non-profits.

In light of the town’s pending conservation easements on Davie properties, it was discussed that DALT partner with the Town to promote and help obtain these easements.

Recommendation was made that the Projects Committee identify parcels and approach property owners personally for possible donations or conservation easements. Public Relations Committee would prepare a public awareness kit (“toolkit”) for the Projects Committee to use when meeting the public. The “Toolkit” would contain membership information, options of conservation, details regarding conservation easements and the handouts prepared by Attorney Bill Snyder regarding estate planning and tax benefits.

Discussion was held about preparing membership cards upon receipt of donations for the various levels of members. Fred Segal offered to donate card stock and Linda Greck volunteered to print them. We will accept donations at the January 3rd meeting and have a table set up to do so. Joyce Steward will prepare an application form for membership.

Prices were discussed for printing our brochure in a nice glossy form. One price had been obtained of $307 for 1000 and $344 for 2500 tri-folded brochures. Those in attendance agreed to place an order for 2500 at that price.

Arrangements were made for refreshments to be available at the January 3rd meeting

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 pm.