September 12 | October 17 | December 19
Annual meeting - December 19,2023
- September 12, 2023
I. Call to Order: The Meeting was called to order at 7:21pm
II. Roll Call: Linda Greck, Jacqueline and John LaDue, Fred Segal, and Uri Tkacz. Adrienne Kaltman attended remotely by audio. Kathleen (Guest) also attended. A quorum is present.
III. September 12, 2023 Minutes: Motion made by Judy to approve the September 12 2023 Minutes with one correction, seconded by Fred. Motion approved unanimously.
IV. Treasurer’s Report:
- --Fred reported Synovus Bank is not paying a good interest rate. Our balance is $48,650.
- --Expenses included the pull up banner, reimbursement to Linda plus $ 61. for the annual business report.
- --Deposits included $20,000 deposit from Bristol reserve, $3.75 interest, deposit also from orange blossom parade, plus some outstanding cash. Fred will update.
- --Motion: made to receive and file Treasurer’s Report by Linda, Seconded by Uri. Motion was unanimously approved.
V. Old Business
- --Banking update: Fred talked to Synovus to change from checking to money market with higher interest rate and ability to write three checks per month. Nonprofits are under different rules. We applied for 501(c) 3 status. Linda notes all documents were received.
- --Phone number update: John reports we are still hunting down information on the phone.
- --Standards and practice documentation
- --Status of Bristol Reserve easement & donation: Reviewed. For Bristol, get info from property appraiser and keep it with the original easement documents. An aerial photo would be best. Phillip Holste looked at it, and is still working on it. We will have a response in few weeks. Mayor Paul thought it would be prudent to have them look at our monitoring form and fee structure.
- Status of digital (identity) management: It was suggested that we ask Michael to come to the next meeting and address these issues. Linda would like to modernize our website a bit and at the same time, make sure we have correct numbers to contact people. We would like to have a more user friendly format. Mike could explain what would be involved. If we do decide to modernize, we could engage a similar project to do something with our website or there are web tools that are user friendly. It was suggested that we form a subcommittee to address it, with the hopes of unveiling it at our Annual Meeting. Jacqueline working with our FB page.
- --GiveBacks: has good marketing tools.
- --Status of membership/email list review, management: Linda found original list, she sent emails to everyone on it. As a 501(c) 3, we are required by law to have an “unsubscribe” button in every message, a privacy statement, and must also be ADA compliant.
VI. New Business
- --Reconsideration of Conservation Easement fee schedule: Easements are coming to us through the Town of Davie, in all probability we will fall under Sunshine Law, as quasi governmental, minutes will have to be posted on our website. Meetings must be noticed, board cannot discuss things together between meetings. If necessary, we can make a motion and second today with approval to be implemented in the future. Linda pointed out that the fee structure is based on acreage of the easement and not the acreage of entire property. If it was property of one acre of less, it would be a minimum donation of one thousand dollars. If it's just based on easement acreage, we can add the word “easement” in brackets before the word “acre.”
- --Motion: Made by Fred to add the word “easement” in brackets prior to the word “acre.” Uri seconded. Motion passed unanimously
- --Pursuit of grant funding: Fred notes that there is computer company in Broward County that is offering a free service 501(c)3s. They will search for grants you can apply for. We can write them. “GiveBacks” may be a good source to look at for websites. A number of groups are using AI to write grant proposals, and then review it to make sure it's correct. Also there are other AI programs that can create photos. A question was asked, “Who owns our domain?” Michael has paid for it.
- --Continued Pursuit of Flamingo Gardens CE: Judy suggested Linda speak with a new member of the Planning Board. He suggested that a friend could help, a land use attorney, if there was a conservation easement. Discussed with Phil Holste. Linda said Flamingo Gardens does not want to devalue their property by having an easement. Fred pointed out that we first need to see who the actual owner of the property is in the Broward property records, ie how is it titled, if property is titled in name of the Church. Linda is still pursuing, not the entirety of Flamingo, but that the most import parts of the land be protected that connects from the Ridge.
- Next and Annual Meetings: After last meeting, we secured the room this meeting is being held in for the second Tuesday of each month from 7-9 pm. We need a meeting next month. October 10 will be the next board only meeting. We discussed having December 12 or November for the Annual Meeting and board meeting. Both are in compliance with our bylaws.
VII. Comments/Questions/Suggestions
- --We need to review the bylaws. Internet access is available, so we can do zoom meetings.
VIII.Motion to adjourn:Linda made a motion to adjourn, 8:45pm. Fred seconded.
- October 17, 2023
I. Call to Order: The Meeting was called to order at 4:14pm
II. Roll Call: Fred Segal, Jacqueline Ladue (guest), John LaDue, Judy Paul, Linda Greck, Kathleen (Guest), and Uri Tkacz. Adrienne Kaltman attended remotely by phone. A quorum is present.
III. July 13, 2023 Minutes: approved with corrections. Fred moved to accept, Uri seconded.
IV. Treasurer’s Report :
- --Fred reported Synovus Bank is not paying a good interest rate. Our balance is $48,650.
V. Old Business
- --Banking update: There was an extensive discussion about different financial institutions, their products, and individual fees. Fred researched Seacoast, Truist, and iThink credit union. Seacoast is a Florida based community bank, they opened a branch in plantation. He suggests that either Truist or iThink would be a good choice. Linda looked into Bank United and investing in CDs. Truist may require all signers to come into the bank to open an account. John can reach out to them.
Investing in a combo of CDs and Money Market was discussed. Fred also suggested that we also look at bank specials. Fred suggested if we choose Truist, we invest $25,000 in a CD, and deposit the remaining balance in a money market account. Uri suggested combining funds into one CD. You can write a few checks in money market, versus a CD. We only run a few checks a month. Judy pointed out that there may be a monthly charge for non-use.
Closeness of branch location was considered, from a convenience standpoint. Linda, Fred and John are signers on the account. - --Motion: Fred made a motion that we move our accounts from Synovus to Truist that we invest $25,000 in a short term CD, that the balance goes into a money market account, and that the signers would be Linda, Fred, and John. Judy seconds. Motion approved unanimously.
- --Discussion When we meet with bank, our three officers can determine length of short term CD. Money market can change at any time, but some are guaranteeing rates. Banks vary.
- --Phone number update: John reported that we have a new phone number. It is 754-888-LAND (5263). To move forward, we need to have a smooth voice message. Its going to be digitized, so there’s no cost. There was a discussion on how we want to set it up. When someone call they will get a voice message, when they leave a message, that can trigger an email not a phone call, or it can be a text message. There needs to be a record. Linda believes the messages still go to Michael.
There was a long discussion and examples of what we want the message to say. For example, “Thank you for calling DALT. We are glad that you have shown interest in protecting the environment and saving land in the local area from development. To receive more information, you may go to our website. If you leave your name and phone number, we will return your call, as soon as possible.” Jacqui is working on a statement. John can set it up right now. Transcriptions are sometimes iffy. Log shows the number they actually called from versus the number they leave in their message. Then the question is what happens to that message.
We want to be able to call back from 754-888 LAND and not personal numbers. Fred can reset his phone to change phone numbers that he is calling from. He can set up with separate identity on his phone.
Michael dialed in to the meeting. He provided us with an explanation of different options. He will put our message in an AI voice simulator that uses a medium voice access. The message would say “Thank you for calling the Davie Area Land Trust, state our mission, and direct callers on how to leave a message. Then a message is sent that says a voice message is waiting. Deleted messages can be archived. Another option is a responsive phone system, Michael explained that there is a way to call back without using your personal cell phone. We would have to have voice mail account tied to 754 888 LAND. If we have more questions, we will call Michael back. We are very appreciative of his help.
Linda suggests having email linked to voice mail. We discussed how our name is listed on the web, and in our email address. This will be researched and reported at next board meeting. We will check with Michael as to who holds DALT’s name. Linda and Jacqui are going to get together with Michael to work on this.
The town approved easement with developer and then it comes to us. - --Baseline monitoring reports/existing easement status: John has been able to move forward on this. Fred did his report, sent as pdf with photos etc. He sent a copy to Linda, John, and Judy. John gave his to Michael Bartlett.
VI. Old Business
- --Status of membership management & communication: This is going to be tabled until we have launched the updates online presence along with Flamingo Gardens being tabled. Linda noted that we have postcards, a facebook page website, and more
VII. New Business
- --Our Annual Meeting will be on December 19th at 7 o'clock
- The next meeting is November 21 at 7pm
VIII. Meeting adjourned
- Annual Meeting-December 19
I. Call to Order:The Meeting was called to order on December 19, 2023, at 7:11 pm at the Shenandoah Park Community Center
- --A Zoom link to meeting was provided for those who could not attend in person
II. Roll Call:
- --Linda Greck, Jacqueline and John Ladue, Mayor Judy Paul, Fred Segal, and Adrienne Kaltman via Zoom. Guests: Michael Bartlett, Jessie Bastos, Kathleen Dempsey, Jacqueline Ladue, Francisco Vidal, and Scott Weinstein.
- --A quorum is present.
- --Jessie Bastos, Francisco Vidal, and Scott Weinstein were elected to the Board at the General Meeting.
III. There were no minutes of the November 21, 2023 meeting, as a quorum was not present.
IV. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Fred Segal reported that we changed banks from Synovus which was not offering a competitive rate to Truist Bank. We opened a CD giving 4.95 % interest and a Money Market account at 4 % interest with a little over $18,000. Our current balance is $48,650.
V. Old Business
- -- Review of existing easements, status: All reports will be completed by the end of the year. Mayor Paul reported that there is going to be a new development of 153 acres with one acre parcels that will have conservation easements and a trail system that will go from the NW corner to the south. The way it is currently laid out could allow for an additional trail to be added. There was also a discussion of open space connected to Owl Lookout.
- -- Short and long term goals: Motion was made by DALT Co-chair Linda Greck to discuss DALT’s short and long term goals at the January general membership meeting. Seconded by Mayor Paul. Motion passed unanimously.
- --Website/e-mail / social media update: Linda raised issues and options regarding Facebook, coordinating our contact information, posting meeting notices, minutes, and agendas. Michael Bartlett, DALT webmaster provided us with an explanation of different options. He has updated our website. It was agreed to post minutes on the DALT website. DALT’s new phone number is 754-888-5263.
VI. Call for New Business
- -- 2024 Meeting and Tabling Events Schedule: There was a discussion of whether we are doing Water Matters Day and Orange Blossom Festival. We did not participate in Water Matters Day last year because of the county’s increased costs to non-profits due to their high cost to rent equipment. One option would be to share a tent with others, as was done before. Last year we increased the amount of money we made over past years, due to our marketing which included the give away of rods and reels for any donation.
- --MEETINGS: We meet the third Tuesday of every month in the current smaller free-standing community room of the Shenandoah Community Center. It has better access to WiFi.
VII. --Election of Officers and Board: Members of the public were asked if anyone present was interested in serving on the Board. Jessie Bastos,Francisco Vidal, and Scott Weinstein volunteered to serve.
- --MOTION: Fred moved that in addition to the current board, we add the three volunteers, as additional board members. Linda seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- --MOTION: Linda moved to maintain existing officers for continuity. Jacqui seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
VII. Review DALT history, status, and outlook. Comments, Questions, and suggestions:
- --Scott asks relating to fund raising and membership, if there is a place to buy a membership or make a donation. Linda would like to have a way for people to join our organization at whatever membership level they would like. There are new 501(c)3 oversight rules that would require every member to provide their occupation. He also needs contact information. The membership list has to be filed with the state. We will look into what it will take to add a donation link to our website and social media.
- --DALT holds four easements. We will have five. We currently hold Zona West, Oak Park, Temple Terrace, and Crystal Reserve. Flamingo Gardens does not want to be involved with DALT, unless we purchase property.
- --Since there were no visitors, the Membership Meeting was merged into the Annual Meeting.
- --The next meeting is Tuesday, January 16 in the Shenandoah Community Center at 7pm.
VIII. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Motion by Scott to adjourn. Linda seconded. Respectfully submitted by Adrienne Kaltman.