February 5 | August 5 | December6
- February 5, 2020
Meeting with Town of Davie: Discuss status of easements and fees
Attending: Town of Davie- David Quigley and Phillip Holste. Davie Area Land Trust: John LaDue, Fred Segal, Linda Greck, Michael Bartlett
Discussion:Discuss framework for fees- how the current fee email was created, whether it applies to total acreage or just the conservation easement areas, LTA tie in. Modification to Temple View coming before the Davie Town Council on February 19. Received backup from Mr. Holste. Eye towards establishing procedure for next easements. Change in Temple Mount easement locations, compare to existing maps. Received binder with documentation to digitize. Suggestion would be to have the Board meet before the 19th Council meeting to agree on something to give Phillip.
- August 5, 2020
Monthly meeting: Virtual, held using Zoom, all Board and Public members noticed through email lists
I. Call to Order: 6:04pm
II. Attending: John LaDue, Linda Greck, Fred Segal, Eduardo Tkacz, Joyce Marie Steward, Michael Bartlett
III. Discussion: Mr. LaDue had called the meeting to test out everyone's ability and ease with Zoom and planned it informally, but as we had a quorum the meeting was called to order. Attendee's status and dealings since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic was discussed.
IV. Treasurer's Report: Current bank balance- $17,835.92. Mr. Segal reported that the only expenditure in the relevant time period was the Sunbiz filing fee.
V. Old Business
- -- Ms. Greck enquired about the LTA membership and Mr. Segal and Mr. Bartlett confirmed that it had not been renewed to date. Ms. Greck made a motion to renew the LTA membership, Mr. Tkacz seconded. A unanimous voice vote approving the motion passed.
- -- Mr. LaDue and Ms. Greck discussed the status of the fee structure and decided that Ms. Greck would contact the Town, possibly starting with a call to Mayor Paul. It was generally agreed that establishing the fee structure and making the Town aware remained a priority.
- -- Mr. LaDue reported that he still had the bird feeder which was going to be awarded at Water Matters Day, which was cancelled due to COVID-19
- -- Mr. Segal mentioned that he had heard of a virtual Water Matters Day which might include a tree giveaway.
VI. New Business
- -- Annual Meeting: Mr. LaDue asked Mr. Segal what we should be doing to ensure compliance with our bylaws, and Mr. Segal responded that a Zoom meeting would be possible. Mr. Tkacz suggested in-person. Ms. Greck remarked that as the Farm Bureau meeting would be held independently we are free to set our own schedule, and that right now we should focus on a meeting date and not be concerned about how to hold the meeting. Setting an agenda and a date and postponing the virtual vs. in-person decision was generally agreed on.
- -- Mr. LaDue started a discussion about development in Southwest Ranches. Ms. Greck brought up the possibility of an easement on property currently under development on Shotgun Road. Mr. Segal mentioned that Broward and Dade Counties are still significantly restricted compared to the rest of the state of Florida.
- -- Ms. Steward asked about the current relationship of the Davie Area Land Trust and the Town of Davie. Mr. LaDue responded that the Town continues to be willing to work with us.
VII. Next Meeting: Scheduled for Monday, September 14, on Zoom, at 6:00pm
VIII. Adjourned 7:10pm
- December 6, 2020
Annual meeting: Virtual, held using Zoom, all Board and Public members noticed through email lists
I. Call to Order: 4:06pm
II. Attending: John LaDue, Linda Greck, Fred Segal, Eduardo Tkacz, Jacqueline LaDue, Judy Paul, Adrienne Kaltman, Ruth Bronisas, Michael Bartlett
III. Introductions: Mrs. Paul requested Board members introduce themselves to Ms. Kaltman. Ms. Kaltman stated her background included a law degree with a concentration in land use planning, and spoke about her interest in preservation and conservation of open space. She currently serves as Chair of the Town of Davie Agricultural and Environmental Advisory Board.
IV. Approval of minutes from August 5, 2020, meeting. Mr. Segal moved to approve, Ms. LaDue seconded, approved with a unanimous voice vote.
V. Treasurer's Report: Mr. Segal reported no change in the bank balance since the last report. He also reported that he had received a check from the Arbor Reserve development for $10,000, and had not deposited it and wanted the Board to approve accepting the check. Mrs. Paul stated that the check was generated by the developer's agreement with the Town of Davie concerning the conservation easement, and that the developer had also sent funds to the Friends of the Farm Park and that granting the Certificate of Occupany depended on both those payments. Mr. Bartlett questioned what obligations the Land Trust incurred by accepting and depositing the check. Mr. Segal added that was a question in his mind as well. Mrs. Paul said it was part of the easement agreement and consistent with that agreement. Ms. Greck suggested referring to the agreement, and Mr. Bartlett stated all the available agreeements were available to the Board online. Ms. Greck motioned to accept the check, Mr. LaDue seconded and a voice vote was held. All voted yes except Mr. Bartlett, and the motion passed. Ms. LaDue made a motion to file the Treasurer's Report, Ms. Greck seconded, and the motion to receive and file the Treasurer's Report passed unanimously.
VI. Old Business
- -- Board Member Nominations: Mr. Segal nominated Ms. Kaltman to the Board. Mrs. Paul seconded, a unanimous voice vote approved the nomination, and Ms. Kaltman accepted. Mr. Segal made a motion to retain the existing Board and Ms. Greck seconded. Approved with a unanimous voice vote.
- -- Officer nominations: Mr. Segal motioned to retain the existing Board. Mr. Bartlett withdrew as Secretary. Mr. LaDue nominated Ms. LaDue as Secretary. Mr. LaDue motioned to retain the existing Board and install Ms. Ladue as Secretary. Ms. LaDue seconded the motion, and it passed with a unanimous voice vote.
VII. New Business
- -- 2021- Mrs. Paul stated that the Orange Blossom Festival had been cancelled, but a possible replacement or alternative might be held later in the year. Water Matters Day apparently is still undecided.
- -- Ms. Greck brought up the meeting schedule and suggested meeting quarterly. Mr. Segal stated that a special meeting could be called at any time. Ms. Greck motioned to adjust the meeting schedule to a quarterly Zoom call. Mr. Tkacz seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting schedule was announced as March 1, June 7, September 13, and December 6. Meeting time was set at 7:00pm and will be on Zoom.
VIII. Adjourned 4:59pm