February 11 | August 19 | October 7 | | December 2
- February 11, 2019
I. Call to order: 6:38pm at Davie's Best Pizza
II. Roll Call: John Ladue, Jacqueline Ladue, Ruth Bronisas, Fred Segal, Linda Greck, Michael H. Bartlett
III. Adopt Today's Agenda:
IV. Approval of minutes from 12/3/18 meeting:
V. Treasurer's Report: Bank balance: $17,399.68; $200 yet to be deposited. Treasurer received checks from Linda Greck and Joyce M. Steward for deposit.
Expenditures reported: Land Trust Alliance membership renewal and Annual Meeting (Dec. 3) food expense. Expenditure forecast: Uniform Business Report will be filed by Mr. Segal. Mr. Bartlett reported that a donation response letter had been mailed to Ms. Steward. Move to approve Treasurer's Report by Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Ms. Greck, unanimous voice vote.VI. Secretary's Report:
VII. Old Business:
- ---Mr. Ladue volunteered to bring available brochures
- ---Ms. Greck suggested plants as branded items for distribution to interested parties, and mentioned that frisbees were popular, people took plants but didn't give anything back.
- ---Will be sharing space inside the Farm Bureau tent
- ---Coverage: Mr. Ladue will be there early, Mr. Segal all day, Ms. Greck will be there Saturday afternoon from 2:00pm, Ms. Bronisas will be there Sunday from 10:00am until 3:00pm, and Mr. Ladue will arrive later Sunday afternoon and pick up any remaining material
- ---Discussion of possible activities/membership incentives/attractions: Mr. Segal suggested a raffle, Ms. Greck suggested a bird feeder as prize, Mr. Segal suggested a Farm Bureau gift basket, Mr. Segal stated that a ticket should be handed out for any donation with no monetary value assigned to the ticket; Mr. and Ms. Ladue believed they had raffle tickets to donate.
- ---Mr. Ladue reported he sent in paperwork requesting a space adjacent to the Farm Bureau.
- ---Mr. and Ms. Ladue volunteered to be there all day.
- ---Mr. Ladue and Ms. Greck planned to communicate on the success of the raffle at the Orange Blossom Festival to possibly do something similar at Water Matters.
- ---Ms. Greck looking at other items.
VIII. New Business:
IX. Comments/Concerns/Announcements
- ---Membership list- Ms. Bronisas is looking and volunteered to contact Peter Nolan to see if anything Marcy Nolan had is still available. Mr. Ladue stated that he might have a briefcase containing more records.
- ---Membership renewals- tied in with getting the membership list records organized. Mr. Segal suggested getting the easement publishing complete as an outreach and renewal aid.
- ---Farm Park easement- no update. Mr. Segal said the property has closed and Rick Case is donating the property back to the Town, and suggested that the Land Trust follow up to determine who is going to maintain the property if it does go back to the Town.
- ---Question about the Land Trust PayPal account- Mr. Bartlett to check and report.
- ---Question about location of documents containing 501(c)(3) paperwork, articles of incorporation, and bylaws. Once located they should be online.
- ---Suggestion for next meeting: objectives and goals.
X. Time and Place of Next Meeting:
XI. Adjourn
I. Call to order: 6:24pm at Davie's Best Pizza
II. Roll Call: John Ladue, Jacqueline Ladue, Linda Greck, Fred Segal, Eduardo Tkacz, Michael H. Bartlett.
III. Approval of February meeting minutes
IV. Treasurer's Report
V. Secretary's Report
VI. Old Business
VI. New Business
VII. Meeting adjourned at 7:21pm
I. Call to order:6:15pm at Davie's Best Pizza
II. Roll call: John Ladue, Jacqueline Ladue, Fred Segal, Judy Paul, Michael H. Bartlett
III. Public comments: Mr. Ladue welcomed Mr. Ramcharitar and Ms. Pool and offered them the floor. Mr. Ramcharitar resides in Southwest Ranches and is building a home, and indicated his interest in running for Council in SW Ranches based on his concern about the future direction of SW Ranches. He mentioned his concern about the elimination of agriculture and farming, a fading rural lifestyle, and advocated for an equestrian and agricultural and rural lifestyle. He wants to protect small farmers, fish farmers, and is an activist for farming. Mr. Ladue spoke and stated that as a 501(c)(3) organization the Davie Area Land Trust cannot participate in any political activities, and that Land Trust goals are to preserve open space, agriculture, the equestrian heritage, and habitat. Mr. Ramcharitar expressed an interest int DALT's objectives and said he would consider membership.
Ms. Pool said she was interested in preserving habitat and open space, and wanted to learn more about the Davie Area Land Trust and opportunities for conservation and environmental protection. She also wanted to see Southwest Ranches preserve its rural heritage.
Mr. Ladue thanked both of them, referred them to the website, and hoped they would both join and continue to atttend meetings.
Mr. Segal, addressing Mr. Ramcharitar and Ms. Pool, mentioned that state statutes are clear that a municipality can't regulate agriculture, and that the barn fire fees are an example- non-residential farm buildings are exempt from fees and codes. There are new construction exemptions for pole barns and barns valued under $10,000 from assessement of fire fees. Barns over $10,000 can get a fee assessed- but not on the barn, but on the land; and that a fire fee on the whole property will likely get challenged. Mr. Segal has attended Southwest Ranches meetings and his opinion was that the council could benefit from better advice concerning agricultural and equestrian issues relative to state law. Mr. Ramcharitar agreed.
Ms. Pool hoped for government grants to protect historic barns, and Mr. Segal responded that that kind of action is consistent with the goals of the Davie Area Land Trust. Mr. Bartlett reiterated Mr. Ladue's statement that the Davie Area Land Trust does not have any political interest or take any political stands or actions. Mr. Ramcharitar responded that he wanted to learn more about the DALT mission and farming act rights. Mr. Segal suggested Mr. Ramcharitar look into Farm Bureau membership, which as a 501(c)(5) organization can participate politically. Mrs. Paul spoke about the DALT mission and that a key element is holding conservation easements restraining development, easements which exist in perpetuity.
IV. Approvalof Minutes: Motion to approve February minutes made by Mr. Segal and seconded by Ms. Ladue, approved unanimously. Motion to approve August meeting made by Mr. Segal and seconded by Ms. Ladue, approved unanimously.
V. Treasurer's Report: Mr. Segal reported a current bank balance of $18,189.32. Ms. Ladue moved to receive and file the bank statement given to Mr. Bartlett, seconded by Mr. Segal, approved unanimously.
VI. Secretary's Report: Mr. Bartlett reported that Alliant, recommended through the LTA, had provided a ballpark estimate of $1600 per year for Directors and Officers (D&O) insurance including general liability. This was the first company which expressed any interest. The general consensus was that was an acceptable number and to pursue this and get a formal quote. Mr. Segal also indicated that the Davie Area Land Trust should be listed as additionally insured on the Oak Park easement, Mr. Bartlett to follow up on that. Mr. Ladue had forwarded information concerning the easement fee structure to Mr. Bartlett but it had not been reviewed and will be by the time of the next meeting.
VII. Old Business:
VIII. New Business
IX. Adjourn: Mr. Segal moved to adjourn, Mr. Bartlett seconded, approved unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 7:40pm
I. Call to order: 6:23pm at Flashback Diner
Roll call: Fred Segal, Michael Bartlett, Uri Tkacz, John LaDue, Linda Greck
III. Approval of October minutes: Motion made by Mr. Segal, seconded by Mr. Tkacz, approved unanimously.
IV. Treasurer's Report: Tabled until next meeting. Received membership renewal check from Ms. Greck for $100.00.
V. Land Trust Alliance (LTA) status: Mr. Segal reported he had not received an invoice at the time of the meeting. Ms. Greck reported contact and had sent renewal letter to Board mailing list in October. Discussion to research and adopt LTA best practices and possibly pursue accreditation.
VI. Board membership: Mr. Segal made a motion that Ruth Bronisas and Jacqueline LaDue be nominated to the Board for three year terms. Ms. Greck seconded, passed unanimously.
VII. Officers: Ms. Greck made a motion to retain the current slate of Officers for one year. Mr. Segal seconded, passed unanimously. The 2020 Davie Area Land Trust Officers will be Chair, John LaDue; Vice-chair, Linda Greck; Treasurer, Fred Segal; and Secretary, Michael Bartlett.
VIII. Fee structure for easement maintenance: Mr. Bartlett read the email thread. Mr. Segal stated that DALT still needs to schedule a meeting with David Quigley or Philip Holste from the Town of Davie. Ms. Greck stated that Mr. Holste would be the best approach. Mr. Bartlett directed to contact Mr. Holste by phone to set up a meeting between Mr. Holste and Dalt board members.
IX. Orange Blossom Festival/Water Matters outreach: Ms. Greck stated that raffle is a good program. Mr. Tkacz offered sunglasses, stickers, and other items from the Miami Heat. Mr. LaDue suggested a basketball net in concert with the Heat theme, throwing ping pong balls into a cup or net. Mr. Segal may have a shooting gallery game, possibly with lasers, and stated he will look later. The general consensus was to come up with something interesting to attract people to the DALT booth and display.
X. Documents: Mr. Bartlett received Land Trust documents from both Mr. Ladue and Ms. Greck and will begin the scanning process.
XI. New Business:
XII. Next meeting: Monday, February 3, 6:00pm, at the Flashback Diner
XII. Move to adjourn: Ms. Greck, seconded by Mr. Tkacz, approved unanimously.