2012 Minutes
- January 9, 2012
Meeting called to order – 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Marcie Nolan
In Attendance : Linda Greck, Marcie Nolan, Ruth Bronisas, Todd Evans, Judy Paul, Michael Bartlett, Fred Segal
Treasurer’s report – $9,089.97 + $570 memberships and renewals +$30 Harvey Oyer’s books = $9689.97
Minutes of December meeting - Motion by Michael to approve, Second by Judy. Approved
Update from last meeting:
- - A. Annual Meeting at Old Davie School. Very positive. We had more exposure to the public. Yuri will bring us new shirts which we will all wear for greater recognition. We would like to participate again next year. How could we have gotten a greater audience for the speaker, Harvey Oyer?
- - B. Windmill Status – Marcie has been talking to Water Management District
- - C.Meeting with Old Davie School – January 26, 2012 is their annual assembly. Marcie and Judy will attend.
- - D.Orange Blossom Festival – Sat. and Sun. Feb 25 and 26. Our booth will be with the Farm Bureau. We will include Heather Green’s photography again as well as jewelry to raise some money. We will also take some local nature photos this month and bring to the February meeting so we can make note cards for sale.
- - E.Water Matters Day – March 10, 2012 at Tree Tops Park. We will participate.
- - A. Flaming Gardens – no news
- - B. Bartlett House – Marcie made contact; no word back as of yet.
Next meeting to be on February 6, 2012 at 7:00PM at the Flashback Diner in Davie.
Adjourned at 8:35
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary
- March 5, 2012
Flashback Diner in Davie
Meeting called to order – 7:39 P.M. by co-Chairman John Ladue
In Attendance : Linda Greck, Ruth Bronisas, Michael Bartlett, Doris Monier, John Ladue
Discussion of Water Matters Day coming up on Saturday March 10th. We do not know if we have a reserved spot there, so Doris will check and call Ruth and John if we do have a reservation.
Next meeting to be on Tuesday, April 10 2012 at 7:00PM at the Flashback Diner in Davie.
Adjourned at 8:32
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary
- April 10, 2012
Flashback Diner in Davie
Meeting called to order – 7:30 P.M.
In Attendance : Marcie Nolan, Linda Greck, Ruth Bronisas, Doris Monier, Judy Paul, Fred Segal, John Ladue, Ricarda Ladue, John Ladue Sr
Discussion of Water Matters Day
- - We should be registered by December for both Orange Blossom Festival and Water Matters Day.
- - We will be under the same tent as Farm Bureau for the OB Festival.
- - Doris will volunteer to do Water Matters Day registration.
- - Where are the display boards? We think Todd has them. Fred has the ones with blue carpeting as Velcro. John has the pictures.
Flamingo Gardens – our highest priority:
- - Marcie will talk to Stan about their plans and to consider a conservation easement for the property. We need a clear idea of what we are proposing based on knowledge of the Gardens’ size, characteristics, etc. Hence, we need an appraisal, which is approximately $6000, quite costly for us.
McKee Botanical Gardens in Vero Beach:
- - We are planning a field trip there on May 19th or 20th with the purpose of learning how the land trust acquired the property, how they manage it, etc.
Next meeting will be the field trip to McKee Gardens on May19th or 20th. We will contact each other by phone and email to coordinate the trip.
Adjourned at 8:45
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary
- July 3, 2012
Flashback Diner in Davie
Meeting called to order – 7:23 P.M.
In Attendance : Marcie Nolan, Linda Greck, Ruth Bronisas, Judy Paul, Fred Segal, Robert Love, Kathleen Dempsey, Laurie Serus, Todd Evans, Donna Amchir, Michael Bartlett
Mckee Botanical Gardens – We will drive up to Vero Beach on Saturday July 7th to talk to Susan who negotiated the original negotiation to acquire McKee a land trust.
Flamingo Gardens - Bob Love explained what an appraisal for a conservation easement would entail, how to value the land, which lands will be included, and what the development rights are, among other things. We will need their (Flamingo Gardens’) survey for a description of what the easement is going to entail. how many acres are involved, to confirm what environmentally, economically, or archaeologically sensitive areas are there. Bob can put together a proposal narrow the scope to keep our cost low. Appraisal would take approximately 45 days. The conservation easement appraisal will determine the value of the land we would like to have in the conservation easement. We propose to go to the next Flamingo Gardens board meeting to talk to the members and ask what their needs are. Motion by Fred to move forward with a title search. Second by Mike. Marci will call Stan Wood for further discussion and inquire about next board meeting.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday August 6, 2012 7:00 PM at the Flashback Diner in Davie
Meeting adjourned 8:50 PM
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary
- August 6, 2012
Flashback Diner in Davie
Meeting called to order – 7:50 P.M.
In Attendance : Marcie Nolan, Linda Greck, Ruth Bronisas, Judy Paul, Fred Segal, Edward Tkacz, John Ladue
Treasurer’s Report – 10,815.26
We received a $35.00 donation from a brother of a new Davie resident. We do not know the names yet and cannot yet write a thank you letter of acknowledgment.
McKee Botanical Gardens – Marci, Linda, Judy, and Ruth drove up on Saturday July 7 to discuss with Susan Schuyler Smith how and why they acquired the property. They purchased it outright, and she urges us to do the same with Flamingo Gardens in order to have better control of the property.
Windmill Project – There are conflicting opinions about a water permit. If it’s used for emergency purpose, we don’t need a permit, but if that is on commercial property, then a permit is required.
Flamingo Gardens - Discussion of the pros and cons of purchasing outright vs. conservation easement of the property. Linda expressed apprehension about the responsibility of a purchase. Raising the money would take us a long time, and it would be an enormous financial obligation. We discussed the financial obligations that Flamingo Gardens has, its assets, investments, expenses, income, taxes they pay, who their officers are and their aging-out procedure, can they sell, would they sell, its history, what lawsuits they are involved in, etc. The original articles of incorporation and by-laws would answer some important questions, such as what is the purpose of their foundation as well as all the issues we are concerned about. That information is not available on line; it would need to be obtained from Tallahassee.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday September 10, then Monday October 8 (7:00 PM at the Flashback Diner in Davie.) We would like to have the Annual Meeting on Sunday November 4 at the Davie Women’s Club.
Meeting adjourned 9:50 PM
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary
- Annual Meeting- Sunday, November 4, 2012
At the Women’s Club in Davie
Meeting called to order – 4:50 P.M.
In Attendance : Marcie Nolan, Linda Greck, Doris Monier, Ruth Bronisas, Judy Paul, Fred Segal, Eduardo Tkacz, John Ladue
Treasurer’s Report – $10,815.26
- Board Members up for renewal:
- - Fred Segal nominated by Marcie, 2nd Linda,
- - Linda Greck nominated by John, 2nd by Uri (Eduardo)
- - Michael Bartlett nominated by John, 2nd by Linda.
Officers: Current Officers reelected
- - Chair – Marci Nolan nominated by Judy, 2nd Linda
- - Vice-chair – John LaDue nominated by Marcie, 2nd Fred
- - Treasurer – Fred Segal nominated by Uri, 2nd Marcie
- - Secretary – Ruth Bronisas nominated by Marcie, 2nd by Judy
Membership and email addresses: Doris Monier, Donna and Todd Evans, Joyce Steward renewed memberships. It is time to renew. If we did not renew today, we will renew at the January meeting.
Water Matters Day will be on March 9, 2013. Doris will be in charge.
Fred renewed our sales tax exemption.
Next meeting will be on January 7, 2013 at Pizza Loft on University Drive in Davie. The February meeting is planned for Monday February 4.
Meeting adjourned 5:05 PM
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary