Meeting Minutes

Preserve open space
Davie, Florida


April 5, 2010

Meeting Called to Order - 7:30 p.m. by Chair Linda Greck at Robbins Lodge

Approval of Minutes - March 1, 2010, postponed to future meeting

Treasurer's Report - Balance this date $8,474.55. Recent deposits include $126.00 from Orange Blossom event, $115 Water Matters Day event and a $50 credit card donation.

Old Business

  • Chair Greck advised that she had mailed a thank you letter from DALT to Bonnie Stafiej, Special Projects department head, for all her assistance and consideration at Orange Blossom Festival.
  • John LaDue will schedule a meeting with Town staff regarding the installation of a working windmill in Robbins Preserve. The goal is to be placed on the agenda of town Council for approval of the installation. John LaDue will be donating and installing the windmill. Roy Rogers may be asked by DALT to attend the council meeting for support.
  • A report will be submitted regarding to status at the next DALT meeting May 3.
  • It was noted that for a contribution/donation received by DALT that exceeds $250, an acknowledgement letter must be sent to the donor for their income tax purposes.
  • DALT Facebook fan page has been getting results. Discussion regarding the benefits of an ad on Facebook.
  • Motion - establish an ad on Facebook with a budget of $100. Motion made by Joyce Steward, 2nd John LaDue. Unanimous approval. Michael Bartlett offered to develop and publish ad.
  • PayPal account - DALT has encountered problems with processing credit card transactions. Further discussion and possible resolutions postponed to a future meeting.

New Business

  • Purchase of merchandise with the DALT logo for the purpose of selling at events and on website was discussed. No decisions made and discussion will continue at future meetings.
  • Status of memberships - discussion was postponed to a future meeting.

Meeting adjourned 9:00 p.m.

In attendance-Linda Greck, John LaDue, Michael Bartlett, Joyce Steward, Doris Monier, Judy Paul, Eduardo Tkacz

May 3, 2010

Meeting Called to Order - 7:15 p.m. by Chair Linda Greck at Robbins Preserve Lodge

Treasurer's Report - $8,474.55 current balance. Chair Greck reported a new member, Dr. Christina Pellicane, joined at $100 level.

Minutes Approved - April 5, 2010 meeting. Motion by Fred Segal, 2nd Michael Bartlett. Unanimous approval.

Discussion Re Facebook - Ad for DALT was published as a test by Michael Bartlett and he reported hits by 86 people. Ad is on pause until website content has more to offer. Expenses donated by Michael Bartlett in the amount of $119.64 and secretary to send letter acknowledging.

Annual Report- Filed with State of Florida prior to May 1, 2010 at a cost of $61.50.

Letter acknowledging cost of LTA renewal donated by Fred Segal to be sent from DALT.

An annual report of the LTA was received and will be filed in DALT history file.

Letter acknowledging cost of web hosting donated by Earthplaza in the amount of $198 for 13 months and renewal of 4 domain names for cost of $60.

Windmill Update- Meeting attended by John LaDue and Joyce Steward and town staff to move forward the installation of a windmill at Robbins Preserve donated by John LaDue. John reported that after the meeting, the Town building department agreed they will issue a permit and not prevent the installation. Next steps - approval from Parks and Recreation Advisory Board or Open Space Advisory Board then approval from Town Council.

Membership Discussion - postponed to a future meeting

Director Resignation - Joyce Steward resigned as a Director of DALT effective June 1, 2010. Reason was leaving the area. Michael Bartlett nominated Marcie Nolan for the position with Fred Segal seconding. Unanimously approved.

Motion to Amend the ByLaws - motion by Fred Segal to amend the DALT By-laws to establish a position of Honorary Director and Joyce Steward to be appointed to that position. Second by Michael Bartlett. Unanimously approved.

Motion to Adjourn by Chair Greck at 8:15. p.m. All approved.

In attendance: Fred Segal, Linda Greck, Joyce Steward, John LaDue, Michael Bartlett

June 7, 2010

Meeting called to order – 7:05 PM by Chairman Linda Greck

In Attendance – Linda Greck, Fred Segal, Edward Tkach, Marcie Nolan, Ruth Bronisas, John Ladue (by phone)

Approval of May Minutes – postponed until August meeting

Treasurer’s Report – postponed until August meeting.

TOD Conservation Easements delayed: will be discussed at this month’s Open Space meeting.

Windmill at Robbins Lodge – no new developments

Membership Update –We are a bit behind on data because we are updating spreadsheets with information. We need to send reminder letters to lapsed members.

Paypal Account Management – Linda and Joyce have the passwords to have access to the information. Paypal does not cost anything. Marcie needs change of signature card from Bank of Wachovia. She will get a new user ID and password.

Chairperson’s Message – Linda submitted a letter of resignation. She will remain on the Board.

Election – Marcie Nolan nominated and elected as new chairperson of DALT. We will have to amend our 501c3. Marcie will be talking to the members on the board about ideas for DALT.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary

September 13, 2010

Meeting called to order –7:30 P.M. by Chairman Marcie Nolan

In Attendance - Linda Greck, Phillip Holste, Marci Nolan, Eduardo Tkacz, Judy Paul, Ruth Bronisas, John Ladue

Minutes from August meeting approved

Treasurer’s report – no report because treasurer not present today

Items discussed:

  • Thirty-six renewal letters were sent by mail this month by Ruth Bronisas to members with expired or soon-expiring memberships.
  • Phil Holste made a presentation about plans for a 115 acre park on 136 Ave and 26 St
  • The National Land Conservation Conference will be taking place in Connecticut on October 2-5, and a motion was made and seconded to send Marcie Nolan to it . Registration $450.00 plus airfare and hotel
  • Our renewal to the Land Alliance Trust is due. $250.00. Fred will be notified at next month’s meting.

Meeting adjourned 8:45 P.M

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary

November 1, 2010

Meeting called to order at 7:17 PM.

In attendance-Marcie Nolan, Judy Paul, Linda Greck, Doris Monier, Ruth Bronisas, John Ladue

Minutes of October 4th meeting approved.

Treasurer's report: Fred deposited three checks for membership renewal. Balance $8,984.54. He sent $250.00 to the Land Trust Alliance and $250.00 for another donation. Ruth will send Fred an "in kind" letter for $500.00.

Our Annual meeting will take place at Robbins Lodge on Monday Dec. 6, 2010 at 7:00 PM.

We will set goals for next year at the meeting.

Farm Bureau will have an event on November 13 from 9:00 Am-3:00 PM. in Pompano on Copans and Federal. Doris and John will man the DALT booth, providing information about the purpose of the land trust.

Marcie will follow up with Dennis S. on the windmill project. We also would like to try to contact Sigers Nursery to see what the status is of any potential conservation easements over the lychees. Marcie will also contact the Florida Land Trust Alliance to see if we owe membership fees.

Ruth will send thank you's to renewed memberships.

Water Days will be happening in March and we would like to plan something to promote the Land Trust Board members will bring covered dishes. Marcie will bring dessert.

Meeting adjourned

December 6, 2010

Called to order at 7:30 PM

In attendance: John Ladue, Linda Greck, Dr. Sam Scott, Michael Bartlett, Marcie Nolan, Doris Monier, Fouad Monier, Christina Pellicane, Judy Paul, Todd Evans, Ruth Bronisas

Election of current board members - motion to approve by Judy Paul, seconded by John Ladue. Election of officers will remain as they are - Marcie president, John VP, Ruth secretary, Fred treasurer.

Items discussed:

  • We will move our meeting to the first Tuesday of the month, pending availability of Robbins Lodge and approval of TOD. Marcie will check.
  • No new memberships. Doris Monier renewed.
  • Windmill project is in Dennis Andresky review.
  • Update our strategic plan, mission statement, changing name to South Florida Land Trust. If we want to work outside of Broward County, we will have to amend our purpose.
  • Broadening our area to adjacent counties of Dade, Palm Beach and Collier Counties, but will preserve land in southeast Florida, not encroaching on another land trust's area.
  • Dr. Scott and Linda Pellicane both suggested that we acquire more resources and people. It is a necessity to hire a part-time person to help us in our endeavors. Motion by Ruth, seconded by Doris. We will apply for grants to pay. Linda and Mike will research grants.
  • Our 5-year goal - one per year protection agreements. 1 - seek 2- fund 3 - hire part-time assistant.
  • Partner with other like-minded organizations in achieving our goals.
  • Our next meeting will be on Tuesday January 4, 2011 at Robbins Lodge at 7:00 PM.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas
