2008 Minutes

Preserve open space
Davie, Florida

2008 Meeting Minutes

January 7, 2008

Lack of Quorum for Business Meeting.

Attendees discussed the following:

  • Balance in checking account - $8,684.20 as of 1/7/08
  • The permit to proceed with landscaping the S W 8 St Park has been received from Broward County.
  • Tree installer needs one week notice
  • Fence is to be installed by Town of Davie
  • As previously approved by the Board, new letterhead will be ordered without a phone number and the website address will be added.
  • Orange Blossom Festival is approaching and volunteers are needed so DALT can have a presence.

Attendees: Linda Greck, Joyce Steward, John LaDue, Judy Paul

February 4, 2008

Meeting Called to Order 7:24 p.m. at Robbins Lodge by Chair Linda Greck.

Minutes – read and approved for December 3, 2007 meeting. Motion by Fred Segal, 2nd Eduardo Tkacz.

Treasurer’s Report - $8,634.20 balance as of 2/4/2008

Discussion to evaluate the expense of offering credit card purchases after the Orange Blossom Festival.

Broward Beautiful Grant - Update – set back problem with the S W 8 St property is delaying the fencing. If necessary, we will review in 6 to 8 weeks if a revision of the landscape plans are for lack of fencing in order to meet the time deadline of the grant.

Orange Blossom Festival – DALT is registered for a float in the parade and a booth for both Feb 23 and Feb 24. Motion by Fred Segal, second by Eduardo Tkacz to price the t-shirts to $5.00 to reduce the inventory. A new display board will display photos of areas around Davie pertaining to our mission, a site plan for our landscaping of S W 8 St park, membership information and general information about DALT. It will update our appearance and give us a more professional look.

Next Event – Water Matters Day is March 15, hours 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We need volunteers to man our booth and answer questions for the attendees at the event.

Conference - Land Trust Alliance is conducting a conference March 27 – 29 in Asheville, NC. Motion by Joyce Steward, second John LaDue for DALT to pay for airfare, hotel and registration for one DALT member to attend.

Adjourn - meeting adjourned 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Joyce Steward, Secretary

In Attendance: Linda Greck, Fred Segal, Ruth Bronisas, Eduardo Tkacz, John LaDue, Joyce Steward , Doris Monier

March 3, 2008

Meeting Called to Order – 7:20 p.m. Robbins Lodge by Chair Linda Greck

Minutes Approved with minor changes - Motion John LaDue, 2nd Eduardo Tkacz

Treasurer’s Report – Balance $8,684.68 as of 3/1/2008.

Orange Blossom Festival Report - $305 profits and donations

Discussion took place regarding annual memberships and the promotion of them.

Signboards will be put out by John LaDue for the April meeting announcing the speaker Roderick Tirrell.

Water Matters Day – Doris Monier is handling this event. It was agreed that the tee shirts still remaining will be reduced in price again to try to eliminate the inventory.

Joyce Steward and Doris Monier will do a presentation for DALT at the Davie Rotary Club luncheon for March. A power point has been designed for the presentation.

April 12, Dr. Scott and Doris Monier will take charge of a DALT presence at Silver Ridge Elementary School for a kid’s festival.

March 27 and 28 Linda Greck and Fred Segal will attend the LTA conference in Asheville, NC, representing DALT.

Discussion took place regarding number of members of the Board of Directors. It was agreed that if the current memberships decrease in the Board, a vote will be taken at the next meeting to either replace a member no longer in good standing or to reduce the number of Board members.

Speaker for April meeting will be Roderick Tirrell of the Sierra Club and the Vice Chair of Broward County Land Preservation Board.

A suggestion to sell the Wagon Wheel coffee on DALT website was discussed and will be pursued. Since a portion of the sale price is being donated by Wagon Wheel, it can be a good fundraiser for DALT. Shipping methods and charges will be explored.

Meeting Adjourned 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Joyce Steward, Secretary

In Attendance: Dr. Samuel Scott, Eduardo Tkacz, Fred Segal, Linda Greck, Joyce Steward, Doris Monier, John LaDue, Ruth Bronisas.

April 7, 2008

Meeting Called to Order 7:15 p.m. by Chair Greck.

Minutes Approved – motion by Judy Paul, 2nd Fred Segal

Treasurer’s Report - Balance $3,396.63. Expenses $5,240.00 for trees for 8th St Park project, expected to be reimbursed by Broward County grant.

8th St Park Status - report is due Broward County by August 28 with funding by Broward County after. Some trees were donated. Installed were 10 oaks and 9 palms. Some neighbors are helping with watering but with the lack of rain, the trees need more water than can be hauled by volunteers.

Work day May 3 and 4 for planting plants and bushes for the butterfly garden. Fred Segal requested an email solicitation for help with the volunteer labor for planting. Volunteer hours must be documented for the report to Broward County.

Motion by Joyce Steward, 2nd John LaDue for DALT to purchase a bench at a cost of $398 with no inscription. Other options were explored. This will be a non-reimbursable expense. 4Bs Nursery in Parkland will be donating some plants. Other nurseries with donations will be announced at the next meeting. A news release is to be sent out thanking Broward County Board of Commissioners and the Broward Beautiful Committee for funding the grant.

Self Introductions by attendees.

Featured Speaker - Roderick Tirrell, Vice Chair Broward County Lane Preservation Advisory Board and Member Sierra Club.

  • Informative presentation of historical and present drainage and growth problems for southeast Florida. He shared some of the pitfalls that the Land Preservation Board ran into in acquiring special parcels. Many in the county area were lost to development and private landowners.
  • Recommendations for DALT:
  • 1. Broaden the consortium to include scientists, teachers, business partners who are interested in ‘green’, and local legislators for top tier. 2nd tier – sign makers, artists, public speakers, land appraisers, soil scientists, members of park and rec boards, accountants. Enlist the support of local representatives and benefactors.
  • 2. How to do a broad outreach: form citizens groups – specialized groups such as fishermen, environmentalists, PTA groups, Rotary, Kiwanis, social groups. Hold bake sales, car washes, block parties.
  • 3. Be persistent with public officials, keep issues in the forefront, appear at town meetings and bring a grant writer on board. Contact large corporations that are looking for ‘green’ opportunities.

Report on Water Matters Day and Rotary presentation – Joyce Steward and Doris Monier reported the Powerpoint presentation was well received at the Rotary lunch. The Powerpoint will be updated and enhanced for future group presentations. Water Matters Day receipts were $203 including sales of tee shirts, coffee, frisbees, donations and 1 membership.

LTA Conference – Linda Greck and Fred Segal attended this in North Carolina. The event was beneficial for networking and education from the LTA staff.

Kid’s Day Event - Dr. Scott and Doris Monier will attend this event and represent DALT with a table. An attraction for the children will be a garden glove with supplies donated by Fred Segal.

Board Member – Pam Pelkey-Rose submitted her letter of resignation from the Board of Directors but stated she will continue to support DALT.

Chair Greck announced that the Alliance of Florida Land Trusts will hold a one day conference on May 20 in Orlando Walt Disney World Nature Preserve.

Meeting Adjourned 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Joyce Steward, Secretary

In Attendance: Linda Greck, Dr. Scott, Eduardo Tkacz, Joyce Steward, Fred Segal, Judy Paul, Guests Grace Ferrer, Claude Monier, Mrs. Grossman, Dennis Rogers

May 5, 2008

This month’s meeting was a working field trip to S W 8 St Park for watering and planting plants for the butterfly garden.

Many hours of hard work have been donated by members of DALT, neighbors and residents of Davie. The garden is shaping up beautifully. More help is desperately needed to finish the planting and especially watering all these trees and plants to make sure they thrive and survive. One or two people can not do it all. If you can give a little of your time, please call Linda Greck (954-4xx-9xxx) or Judy Paul ( 954-4xx-2xxx) for information.

June 2, 2008

Minutes not recorded because of a lack of a quorum of the Board members. In attendance: Dr. Scott, Linda Greck, John LaDue, Fred Segal, Joyce Steward, Scott Spages, Ruth Bronisas, Councilmember Susan Starkey, Jerry Starkey

Informal discussion was held on the following topics:

  • Bank balance as of June 2, 2008 $700 approximately. Items were purchased for the S W 8 Street Park that will be reimbursed by the Broward Beautiful Grant funds expected in the fall. Many items were donated by out of town nurseries located in Broward County. Funds paid by Fred Segal for the LTA conference have not been reimbursed by DALT due to lack of funds in the account.
  • LTA membership renewal is due at the cost of $225.
  • Letters are to be sent to members that are due for renewal.
  • Recognition of the tremendous amount of work and of the time spent by Judy Paul and John LaDue and all the volunteers. They were truly dedicated to the project and all their work is greatly appreciated. A bench purchased by DALT is to be installed. David Testa is donating the engraving on the back. A local boy scout troop will be constructing an arbor as one of their projects. A walkway is to be installed by the town before the project is funded.
  • Fundraising – suggestion made to approach corporate entities. They have amounts of money dedicated in their budgets for local special projects. With the state of the economy now, the timing is difficult for us to generate funds.
  • July meeting possibly to be held July 15 or 16 if there is to be a quorum. If no quorum, July meeting will be cancelled.
  • Dr. Scott and Linda Greck volunteered to man DALT table at the July 4th town celebration.
  • A speaker is needed for the annual meeting regarding tax advantages for conservation easements especially in light of new legislation.
  • Councilmember Starkey offered a suggestion for DALT to become involved in developing an Owl Park on the open space parcel at Flamingo and S W 26 St where burrowing owls have nested.
  • Fred Segal suggested DALT members attend a Taste of South Florida at the Pompano City Center on Copan and Federal Highway on August 16.

August 3, 2008

Informal Discussion was held beginning at 7:15 p.m. at Robbins Lodge because of a lack of quorum for Board Meeting.

The Town July 4th Celebration at Pine Island Park – Judy Paul and Dr. Scott manned the DALT table for the event and collected $9.00 in donations.

Labor Day Splash – DALT will not have a presence at this event due to lack of volunteers to man the table.

Discussion regarding a speaker for Annual Meeting – no one has been scheduled but a time slot is open for anyone having a speaker available for the meeting in November.

LTA membership was renewed. A letter and personal note from the LTA was read that had been sent to Fred Segal for his work on obtaining tax incentives for conservation easements.

DALT checking account balance - $1300 as of August 1, 2008.

Broward Beautiful Grant – a reimbursement of $6,925 is due from Broward County for the materials purchased by DALT for the S W 8 Street Park – now to be named Liberty Park.

    Donations of materials were:
  • - $503 hardscape – stones and bench
  • - $1000 plants donated
  • - $615 mulch donated
  • - $200 supplemental watering
  • - $980 Compete Water Systems donation
  • - $800 water retention tank

Davie will now take the responsibility of the maintenance of DALT landscaping.

Letter was sent to Broward County Commissioner Lois Wexler expressing DALT thanks for the funds from the Broward Beautiful Grant program.

An in-depth discussion of a business plan for DALT developed by Dr. Scott took place. Work will continue on the plan at the September 8, 2008, meeting.

In Attendance: Judy Paul, Linda Greck, Dr. Samuel Scott, Joyce Steward, Erica Rubio.

September 16, 2008

Meeting called to Order 7:15 p.m. by Chair Linda Greck

Minutes approved - April, 2008 meeting. Motion Fred Segal, second John Ladue

Treasurer’s Report - $1,200 balance September 1, 2008. Broward Beautiful grant funds not received to date.

Annual Meeting discussion – Meeting rescheduled to December 1, 2008. Certificates will be issued to volunteers on the SW 8 Street park landscape project. Discussion regarding food to be served.

LTA – a plaque is to be presented to Congressman Meek. Arrangements are to be made for a presentation at a Davie Town Council meeting in the near future.

Business Plan - discussion held in depth to draft a business plan. Modifications will be made by members before next meeting October 6, 2008.

Meeting adjourned 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Joyce Steward, Secretary

In Attendance:Linda Greck, Dr. Scott, Eduardo Tkacz, Fred Segal, John LaDue, Joyce Steward

October 6, 2008

Meeting called to Order by Chair Linda Greck at 7:15 p.m. Robbins Preserve

Minutes approved – Motion by Judy Paul, 2nd Fred Segal to approve Sept. 8 minutes. All in favor. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report – Balance same as last month, minus monthly credit card/online processing fees of $25.00 ($10.00 + $15.00). Discussed cost vs. usage, and considering canceling online gateway, possibly keeping processing capability to reduce monthly cost or eliminating processing altogether. Thought to possibly explore PayPal again. Linda to explore options and bring back to December agenda.

Broward Beautiful Grant – Judy Paul inquired with Broward County regarding site inspection and grant reimbursement check. Don Burgess informed her that the check was processing and the inspection was “visual” from outside of the locked fence.

Judy wanted to schedule a “weeding” day at 8th Street Park, November 2. Judy will send out flyers to secure volunteers.

Annual Meeting Planning – Meeting scheduled for Monday, Dec. 1, at Robbins Lodge, 7 p.m. Invitations to be sent online to e-mail list and by physical mail to active members. RSVP by Nov. 20 to Joyce, website e-mail or DALT phone line. Park project thank you letters will also include invite to annual meeting. Certificates to be presented at meeting. Fred will order dinner buffet set up from Tommys. Agenda to include grant presentation, certificates, elections, dinner. If time allows, goals & objectives for 2009.

Linda will coordinate meeting logistics with executive committee and board members as needed.

Suggestion – Ruth Bronisas suggested that e-mail notification of upcoming meetings is very effective. Street signs are helpful if we can resume placing them out the weekend prior to a meeting.

Meeting adjourned 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Linda Greck, Chair

In Attendance: Linda Greck, Judy Paul, Fred Segal, John LaDue, Eduardo Tkacz, Ruth Bronisas

December 1, 2008


Meeting Called to Order by Chair Greck at 7:15 p.m. Robbins Lodge

Self Introduction of the Board Members

Dinner – members and guests enjoyed food catered by Tommy’s Italian Restaurant on Griffin Road, Davie.

Powerpoint Presentation – Judy Paul and Linda Greck showed photos and information regarding the planting and improvements made to Liberty Park on S W 8 Street in Davie.

Acknowledgement was given to all the tremendous efforts by scout troops, DALT members and neighbors for planting a butterfly garden, trees, an arbor designed and installed by an Eagle Scout candidate, the installation of a bench donated by DALT with a plaque donated by Testa and Sons Signs and the watering of all the trees and plants for weeks after. This DALT project would not have been possible without all the volunteers and the time they dedicated . DALT can be proud of this accomplishment.

Certificate Presentations – made to the boy scouts and their leaders who participated in the project. A special presentation was made to Judy Paul for her initiative and dedication in obtaining the Broward Beautiful Grant money, her time in acquiring the plants and trees and for the diligence in keeping the new plantings watered through the warm summer.

Business Meeting –

  • Minutes approved for October 6, 2008 meeting. Motion Judy Paul, 2nd John LaDue
  • Treasurer’s Report – Balance 12/1/2008 $8351.73. Expenses of Annual Meeting to be paid and reimbursement for expenses of LTA attendance by Fred Segal and Linda Greck.
  • Chairman’s Report – Overview of DALT and accomplishments for year 2008 given by Chair Linda Greck.
  • Election of Board of Directors:
  • - Motion by John LaDue, 2nd Doris Monier to retain 3 current members with terms expiring 2008 – Joyce Steward, Judy Paul, Eduardo Tkacz. Approved unanimously.
  • Election of Officers:
  • - Motion Judy Paul, 2nd John LaDue for Linda Greck as President. Approved unanimously.
  • - Motion John LaDue, 2nd Linda Greck for Judy Paul as Vice President. Approved unanimously.
  • - Motion Judy Paul, 2nd Doris Monier for Joyce Steward as Secretary. Approved unanimously.
  • - Motion Judy Paul, 2nd Linda Greck for Fred Segal as Treasurer. Approved unanimously.

Meeting Schedule 2009 – discussion held to change the time for meetings in 2009 to 6:30, pending approval by Town of Davie for use of Robbins Lodge. Meetings to continue on 1st Monday each month except September when Labor Day would move meeting to second Monday.

Motion – by Joyce Steward, 2nd Judy Paul for DALT to become a member of Friends of the State Forests. Membership includes posting on their website. Cost is $0.

Looking for volunteer to place the signboards at prominent corners weekend before meeting.

Meeting adjourned – 9:00 p.m.

In Attendance: 41 members and guests. Board members in attendance: Judy Paul, Fred Segal, Linda Greck, Doris Monier, John LaDue, Joyce Steward

Respectfully submitted by Joyce Steward, Secretary
